

"WagerBox: Where Gaming Skill Meets Winning Thrill!"

The problem Wagerbox solves


We are building Live Esports Betting app named WagerBox with a mission to empower Gamers to Showcase their skills by providing a Betting Battle Ground with a totally new concept .

So, What's so Special About Wagerbox ??
As we Know , There are lot of web2 Betting sites WagerBox Allows Gaming Begineers as well as Gaming Professionals to be on a platform where they just don't earn by winning the bet, but also get well recognised around the space as people are staking real money on them.

User Workflow:

  1. User Connects his wallet
  2. Once authenticated, User Enters the Wager box app and creates or join the tournament.
  3. WagerBox works on Wagerboxtokens , So user can Swap , Purchase with Any tokens , Anychains , even against an NFT's. for Quiz betting.
  4. Once, the Gamer stakes for the Tournament suign wagertokens, he enters a Huddle Room which is been live streamed by the Mass Audience . The AI Bot can be used to view the stream transcript in various languages by the user.
  5. The mass Audience can Submit at max 5 Questions related to current Live Gaming stream and if the Question is selected among top 10 % by the community via voting process , then the Question creator will be rewarded with 1000 WagerTokens .
  6. The mass Audience Bets on the Available Quizes .
    Eg. For Dota 2 Tournament : Will Gamer643 powerhouse Invoker land a game-winning Sun Strike within the next minute?
    Yes / No . Whoever stakes on correct prediction get's double the amount - (10% Creator Charges + 2% Wagerbox fees)

This platform was created while keeping the gamer at the center , So that New Gamers can not only get betting rewards on winning the tournament, but also get recognition in the space . This is a entirely new Chapter , we have introduced on top of Esport's Betting and we See it as new Revolutionary Platform with a huge market Potential .

Challenges we ran into

WagerBox leverages Huddle01 for core functionality, initiating Huddle Rooms for live esports matches with AI Bot interaction. React and Websockets resolve playback and connectivity issues. Airstack employs XMTP for NFT data retrieval, facilitating seamless NFT-based betting. Arbitrum Stylus powers smart contracts for tournament management. The Safe Plugin ensures daily reward points issuance in WagerTokens. Chainlink CCIP enables token swapping across chains. Push protocol delivers timely notifications for organized tournaments. Challenges include addressing React Player and Websocket errors, ensuring smooth NFT integration, and optimizing real-time AI transcription.

Tracks Applied (18)

Arbitrum Track

Arbitrum Stylus has been used to write wager box contracts especially for hosting tournament matches , Quiz Creation and...Read More


Polygon Track

https://testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/address/0xd64e0acf9f20da407df2da759f43df7e7c0d6bdb Application Deployed on Polygon...Read More


Ethereum Foundation Track

Anon adhar is at the core of our Quiz betting application where the user verifies himself everytime he withdraw funds. A...Read More

Ethereum Foundation

The Graph Track

Deployed a Subgraph that allows live hosting tournaments and Viewing Audience to bet on Betting Quizes Deployment link :...Read More

The Graph

Waku Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Waku is been i...Read More


Safe Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Safe Plugin is...Read More


Celo Track

Explorer Link : https://explorer.celo.org/alfajores/address/0xD64e0acF9F20da407df2dA759F43DF7e7C0D6BDb Contract Address ...Read More


Airstack Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Airstack is ma...Read More


Base Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox we have deploy...Read More


Chainlink Track

Chainlink CCIP have been used in the Wagerbox web app mainly for Swapping any tokens , from any chains for further posti...Read More


Alliance Track

Hii , We have built this Esports Quiz betting platform . Our Idea very close resemble with DEFI / NFTFI track : Predicti...Read More


Push Protocol Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Push protocol ...Read More

Push Protocol

Lighthouse.storage Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox


OKX Track

https://www.oklink.com/x1-test/address/0xd64e0acf9f20da407df2da759f43df7e7c0d6bdb Contract address : 0xd64e0acf9f20da40...Read More


Scroll Track

Explorer Link : https://sepolia-blockscout.scroll.io/address/0xD64e0acF9F20da407df2dA759F43DF7e7C0D6BDb Contract Address...Read More


okto Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox We have implem...Read More


Huddle01 Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Huddle01 is at...Read More


XMTP Track

Github Link :https://github.com/orgs/ethindia2023-wagerbox/repositories twitter Link : www.x.com/wagerbox Xmtp is used f...Read More

