

A Decentralised Voting DApp for Community Votes & General Elections

The problem Vote3Win solves

Problem Statement

  • Voting and transparency are the backbones of any democracy. Traditional voting systems like ballots, voting machines, etc are susceptible to vote tampering by attacks on poll booths, hacking the machine, etc. Due to various past tampering incidents, people are losing their trust in democracy.
  • These methods are highly inconvenient for the citizens to vote which reduces the overall number of voters. According to a study, this is the main reason for the decline in voters by 10%. By using blockchain we aim to solve this problem.

Our Solution

  • Our solution is a decentralized web app where a citizen can vote from his/her home and make their contribution.
  • All a person need is a device that is connected to their crypto wallet, put in the poll id, and vote for their candidate.
  • Government just has to create a poll with a description and then can share the poll id with everyone.

Advantages of our solution

  • Besides using blockchain there will be a significant reduction in expenditure as there will be no need for ballots, machines, physical locations, transportation, and counting personnel.
  • All the data is decentralized so it is no more susceptible to data breaches.
  • It will make voting more accessible as the citizens are no longer required to travel somewhere to vote.
  • As all the data is stored on the blockchain it will bring more trust, transparency, and validity to the voting system.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into various challenges over the course of the whole hackathon:-

  • Connecting the MetaMask wallet
  • Deployment of smart contracts
  • Data fetching
  • Deploying on Replit
