
Mayank Goel

My name is Mayank Goel and I am a fourth year B tech student in information technology. I am passionate about Web Development and C++.I have contributed in a open source project Let's Grow More Summer of code and currently contributing in Girlscript Winter of contributing.
Some of the projects I have made are:-
Ping Pong ball scorekeeper.
Random Background Generator.
Decimal number conversion in binary, hexadecimal, octal number system.
Amazon Prime Video Login page Clone using only HTML and CSS.
Currently working on Food delivery website with my team.
I like reading books and play Fortnite whenever I am free.



"Rockets Made Easy" - to make this true we propose a solution that helps any space and rocket science Enthusiastic who wants to learn Rocket Science and research about Rockets under a single website.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap​


A Decentralised Voting DApp for Community Votes & General ElectionsSolidity, CSS, JavaScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Polygon, Replit


Decentralised Peer to Peer Carpooling Application A carpooling application with user friendly interface, approximate pricing and transparency which helps to reduce Data Breaching and misuse of data.Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Mapbox API, Solana, phantom




  • Basil Infotech - full stack web intern
    May 2022 - August 2022

    Coded and deployed the Backend side for CRM using PHP
    and SQL. Reducing company cost around 15%. Developed the whole Ticket Support System with HTML, CSS,
    JS, Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL making it 65% more efficient
    than previous version.
    Worked on Razorpay API integration,Back-end and front-end
    for a NGO website. Improved the website by 70%.