
Attempting to create artificial vision

The problem Visionary solves

Our project intends to solve a very basic problem of navigating through obstacles. So in order to solve this problem we are providing them Computer-Aided Navigation system which can analyze visual input, take decisions and help them navigate by sending electrical impulses directly to the muscles using electrodes. Solving this problem is important as visually impaired people find a lot of difficulty in navigating through obstacles especially in a new unknown environment. They generally use a cane (which are not that effective) or else they need to depend on humanitarian assistance. As we are using visual analysis of obstacles it can be done quite effectively using Computer-Vision and its efficiency can be increased manifold using Machine Learning. The components used are very basic like muscle simulator, distance sensors, etc. Hence the cost is very low and the Maintainance cost is also very minimal.

Challenges we ran into

Lack of Precision of Equipment (link ultrasonic Sensor). Integration of realtime video processing with the overall setup. Biological knowledge of Sartorial muscle. A lot of indentation errors.
