I love to make new projects,participatingin competitions nad learning new things. I don'tknow why but i want to learn about every new tech I hear next day. I've made an AI wifi Robot car, ultrasonic sensor radar. Want to do something big in my life so that I can give each and every happiness to my parents and make them proud.
Also we are ELECTROTHON 2020 Winners and have been in IICDC semifinal.
Cruise Control for Visually Impaired Pedestrians by Non- Invasive Muscle Stimulation using Realtime Obstacle Detection and NavigationRaspberry Pi, OpenCV, Pi Camera, Python, Ultrasonic, Relay ModuleVisionary
Attempting to create artificial visionComputer Vision, Distance SensorsVisionary
Cruise Control for Visually Impaired Pedestrians by Non- Invasive Muscle Stimulation using Realtime Obstacle Detection and Navigation.Flask, OpenCV, Python, Relay Module, Ultrasonic SensorSkills
Chatbot Development
Image Processing
Computer vision Python