Created on 9th January 2022
Even slightest of delay in medical assistance can have life threatening consequences. Road accidents dont often get the required assistance in time, maybe not on busy roads but on remote highways the delay in getting even someone's attention can be very long. Our project eliminates that delay by automating the SOS call, by detecting the crash and sending the distress call instantly.
The Arduino based device setup inside the car will be able to sense the g-forces on the vehicle with the help of accelerometer sensor and send a SOS signal via uploading the location of the accident recieved via gps module to a cloud server of thingspeak. This cloud database will be continuously read by a android application, which lists all the active SOS signals. When a nearby incident is found the concerned authorities that are monitoring the application can take action.
Challenges while making the circuit:
Jumper wires often get loose and then we face problems while de-bugging
GPS module is'nt strong enough so obstacles create a lot of connectivity issues
Challenges while making the app:
App is quite simple and easy so did'nt run into major problems,