
Sandeep Verma

Learning Android Application Development


Automated Bill

The Android app uses of Machine Learning Kit to scan items directly and generate bills out of it and share to customers via message, whatsApp or any sort of sharing applications.Machine Learning, Android SDK, Figma, Kotlin, Room Database, Firebase MLKit, CameraX

Vehicle Accident Alarm System

In case of a road accident the device setup inside the car automatically calls for help sending the location of the vehicle. These calls can be seen in a client side application.Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino Uno, Kotlin, Retrofit, ThingSpeak

Vehicle Accident Alarm System

Real time gps location based alarming system tracking the road accident and providing medical assitance and attention required by concerned authorities.XML, REST API, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Kotlin, Retrofit, GPS, ThingSpeak, Sensors, ESP8266 Wifi MCU


RESTful API Design