Created on 26th February 2022
Response time in any sort of accident is a major factor in damage limitation. VAAS is aimed to shorten this time by automating the call for help in case of a road accident.
In case of a accident the device setup inside the car will be able to sense it and send a SOS signal via uploading the location of the accident to a cloud storage. This cloud database will be continuously read by a client side application, which lists all the active SOS signals. When a nearby incident is found the concerned authorities that are monitoring the application can take action.
Crash Detection
The occurrence of accident is detected using an accelerometer sensor (ADLX335) and the severity of the accident is checked using an algorithm coded in the microcontroller which is basically a pre-set threshold for the input from the sensor when it is crossed the distress signal sending part is triggered. The vibrational sensor is placed in the front part of the vehicle near the crumble zone because the immediate impact and its suppression happen there. If the impulse is so high that it gets detected even after controlling, then an accident has surely occurred.
Sending Distress Signal
After the detection of crash the Arduino recieves the co-ordinates of the location from a GPS Module(Neo 6m). And then having already established an internet connection with the help of ESP8266 wifi module, the location co-ordinates, g-force to understand the severity of crash, and the time of crash is uploaded to thingspeak cloud server.
Monitoring The Distress Signals
An Android Application built with kotlin will monitor the distress signals. It downloads the data from thingspeak in form of JSON file and then displays the time of accident and the g-force in a recyclerview. When clicked on the accident tab it shows the location of that accident marked on a google map.
Technologies used