Don't let problems conquer you.



Don't let problems conquer you.

The problem UNIDESK solves

The easiness of acquiring information about our alma mater on a click.The anonimiousity to complain against oru denial of better education by raising our concern to teachers. Concerning the problems faced by students inside the campus without any strike or with the help of student organizations which can include both personnal and public problems.On the side of university, this avoids a central deciding committee making the communication between the students and university more efficient,easier and leading to a student friendly campus. Since a notification is being sent to the official, the problem of not reading the desired email among the hundreds is being solved.

Challenges we ran into

The amount of knowldege we posses on web development is comparitively low being juniors. Our access to the university conditions due to the pandemic situation.
We had to rewrite the code multiple times to acomodate the changes in the HTML code.
