I am an amiable person who loves to study new things coming in my way.
Even though I have less experiences in participitating hackathons and other similiar events,I will try my level best to make my talents better with smartwork and team cooperation.
Intermediate in Python Programme as well as SQL.
Loves to present things in front of audience therby spreading my knowledge.
Don't let problems conquer you.HTML, Django, Python, Microsoft Powerpoint, Visual Code Studio, Voice RecorderTRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Traffic Management System:Consisting of vehicle speed tracking, Proper time management of traffic lights with the use of traffic density ineach lane, Rule breaking capture using time synchronization.MySQL, Python, PyCharm, Blender, TinkerCad, Paint 3D, Adobe Premiere Pro 2022Traffic Management System
Smart traffic system which adapts to the traffic density which saves time and prevent road accidents.MySQL, Python, Adobe Software, Ardiuno