The mai problem that the industry faces today is the problem of Internal security. In a large company the main cause of all the cyber attacks that happens are from the inside of the comany itself. it can be due to three main type of users in the comanpy. So to prevent htis brwachfrom happening, we create a UEBI system which can detect the anomoly in the entered user data and can prevent the intruder from logging in to the system.athis can be done by using various methods such as measuring the keystroke dynamics of the user andf measuring various other parameters. Hence this is a project used to aggregate and analyze machine data for Operational Intelligence using User Behavior Analytics(UBA). It creates multi-dimensional behavior baselines around users, service accounts, devices, and applications then executing unsupervised machine learning algorithms to generate anomalies and threats. Thus providing Insider security for an organization.
We ran into the problem of the training the machine learning model for the first time as it needed a lot of user data to get started. Also we were having trouble getting the two factor authentication to work with the keystroke detection API