"Lets Think Of Saving Money & Access to Medication To the Poorest"

Created on 28th March 2021



"Lets Think Of Saving Money & Access to Medication To the Poorest"

The problem TRUEMED solves

Medicines constitute a substantial proportion of out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses,
And That is Because People Aren't Aware of the The Price Range Over Generic/Branded/JAS,
Basic Problem is Lack Data Available.
So with Modern Art Of Data Science we Created A Web Portal,
Where User has to Input The Prescribed Medicine Name By the Doctor , and Then Our Portal will Recommend Cheapest Generic Alternative.
as we know one of the biggest problems faced by poor and middle class Indian households are the expensive medical bills.
Which are mostly affected by the branded medicine vastly available at most the pharmaceutical stores.
Recent research has shown that around 70 - 80% of generic medicine are much more cheaper than there branded counter parts.
But due to lack of awerness among commone people who does not have proper knowledge about the inticrare medical terms, they often end up buying costly branded medicine.
To overcome this massive everyday difficulty we have developed this simple to use website based platform.
All that the user have to do is just to type in the name of the branded medicine in the seach engine and the platform will show output. The platform will take the input and identify its salt composition. After indentifying its salt composition the platform will give an output which will show a generic medicine which will consist of the same salt composition as that of the branded one.
As we know in majority of cases generic medicine are cheaper and as much as effective as the branded medicine so this platform will overall help to reduce the medical expenses.

Challenges we ran into

Data Collection Was The Most Challenging Part For Us,
But We achieved it Using Modern Web Scrapping & Crawlling in python Enbeded with Data Science,
We generated 17334 lines of json file with Almost all Generic Medicines Available in the market within Last 24 Hours.
Our Tablet Data Is Still Under Construction, So Curretly You can Search a fixed List of tabet only, we are Are Working on a API for that!!
In Future We will Also Provide Buying Link, Availability Status.


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