"Have a Buddy That Guides you for the Best, & Manages Your Posture Better"JavaScript, Flask, Heroku, Python, Tensorflow.Js, sklearn, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, movenet3.0TRUEMED
"Lets Think Of Saving Money & Access to Medication To the Poorest"HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Data Science, Nodejs, web scrappingUNIX9000
Have a buddy who guides you for the best!jQueryDart-Infi
SmartDart-InfiNode.js, JavaScript, Flask, HTML5, Python, CSS3, MongoDB, ejsClassroom-X
"Low-Bandwidth Teaching Platform Relying on AI in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic."jQuery, JS, Flask, TensorFlow, Heroku, Socket.IO, Python, CSS3, MongoDB, HTML5Queli-x
Smart Virtual QueuesNode.js, Flask, Python, Express.js, MongoDBClassroom-X
"Low-Bandwidth AI Teaching Platform for overcoming internet access inequity"JS, Socket.IO, Python, MongoDB, Tensorflow.Js, CSS3, HTML5LumiLight
On Mission for Perennial Light SourceNode.js, NodeMCU, C++, Google Maps API, Arduino, MongoDB, ejsQuelix
Virtual Queues For Post Covid-Setups using QR-code & OTP systemJavaScript, Heroku, ejs, NodeSkills
Computer Vision