

Travelling made fun with cashbacks and superfluid

The problem TravelBack solves

So Our Team is XYZ - [X => Extra Cashbacks]Travel Cashbacks using aave based APYs -> The main objective of our hack is to provide people a way to earn money from their prepaid bookings during travelling and vacations. It would take the money and based on a smart contract will distribute it in one or more money pools like AAVE for the time between when the payment is made and the maturation of his package/trip, [Y => Your Fluid Money] Superfluid based checkin/checkouts -> For flexibility in bill payments, SuperFluid integration offers the option of converting payments into money streams (this can be an ideal use case for hotels in low trust societies that also want to be paid in alternatives to fiat),[Z =>Zone DAO] Zone DAO -> The community can propose and vote on various directions the product should take in the future through an off-chain DAO.

Challenges we ran into

  • First time working and integrating with superfluid for streaming. Got to read their contract and integrate it according to our usecase.

  • While working on cashback contract we had this issue on aaveV2 stratergy that atokens keep on increasing in number but that would result in us not getting the correct number of the same in the later withdrawl phase/cashback
