
Vineet Kumar

I am a developer; a developer who has keen interest in developing cross platform applications, cloud based applications, web3.0 applications and defi applications. Cutting-edge technology is what grabs my attention and makes me an eternal learner. I love to discover and experiment because that gives wings to my imagination which helps me in creating what I create.

Distributed ledger technology of blockchain is my passion. NFT marketplace, cryptocurrency exchange and web 3.0 social media trigger my thinking cells and this lands me in the world of metaverse. I intend to take up metaverse projects and wish to work using the technologies of AR, VR and AI etc.

I shall be completing my bachelor’s degree in computer application next year and by the time I want to give my full attention to learn as much as possible. I am open to internships/full-time in the organisations where I can test my abilities and may be benefitted by their vision and work culture.



Lets's just not trust each other to make this world trust itself.Our platform has a sole purpose to eradicate fake documents and make online counselling /verification easy with blockchainSolidity, Bootstrap, Webpack, Matic, Jitsi, web3.js, Portis, skynet-js, Truffle Suite

Covid-19 tracker

crisp shoet covid 19 trackerBootstrap, HTML5, CSS3


social distancing with social networkingBootstrap, CSS, HTML5


Travelling made fun with cashbacks and superfluidSolidity, JavaScript, Figma, Remix (IDE), reactjs, Superfluid, Polygon, Replit, IPFS / Filecoin, Snapshot


Smart Contracts
web devlopment
MERN Stack
app devlopment


  • Invo Venture - Blockchain developer
    June 2022 - Present
  • Freelancer - Full stack developer
    February 2022 - April 2022

    A fractional NFT project was the focus of my work on erc1155.
    I developed the entire smart contract and frontend of the project, as well as its integration with ethers.js

  • cryptoR - Full stack web3 developer
    May 2022 - June 2022

    I'm working on a web3 project that will create a dex, swap, and an nft marketplace.
    The creation of an ERRC20 token and a liquidity pool is also part of the project.

  • cryptoR - Smart Contract developer
    April 2022 - June 2022