Created on 20th February 2022
The basic idea of the project is to tackle the issue of arising road accidents and also to minimize the traffic delays.
During non-peak hours, there might be less trafic tension at one intersection and more vehicles at another one. For example, during night time, the traffic lights might be working as usual, but there won't be any traffic. In such a case, there would be time inefficiency.
As typical traffic system is based on constant time delays, it creates problem of time inefficiency and increased chances of people to disobey the traffic laws which can lead to more road accidents.
During peak hours, due to the inefficient methods of the traditional traffic system, traffic congestions might form in certain junctions which can be avoided using our system.
Therefore we are tackling this problem by creating an adaptive and smart traffic management technology using lasing system and traffic density analytics.
As we were using hardware to show the demonstration of the project, we had to arrange lasing system, ardiuno and communicatate it with the system with very less time delay.
To include all the exeptions, we had to consider many cases of traffic density on a cross road.
We had to constantly read and write throught serial communication using ardiuno and system. For that we had to learn about python, serial communication program and ardinuo IDE in depth.
We had to redo the whole circuits many time to make it function accurately.
We had limited accessibility of hardware components. Therefore we had to do many tinkering and make it efficiently work.
Technologies used