Trade Wars

Your traditional trading card games now with secuirty, privacy and customizability.

The problem Trade Wars solves

We all played card games in our childhood, be it pokemon, WWE or anything else. Our project implements the same card game with a few big twists. We have built the entire game on simple contract and all moves happen as etherium transactions. This increases the secuirty of the game to a whole new level. It also gives power to the users, enabling them to challenge existing cards or vote to introduce a new card. The power doesn't lie entirely with the company or card manufacturer.

The game is completely digital where the parties can simply run the game on their laptop and trade remotely. It's extremely fair and reduces the chances of bullying of any sort.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we ran into was finalising the exact logic of the game and how it would operate over a simple contract. The second challenge was implementing the game rules in the contract. Even though the UI of the game is fairly simple, integrating the Javescript backend with the pygame based UI turned out to be trickier than we thought! We also implemented a TCR where users can vote for new card and challenge existing cards which was not trivial.

Technologies used
