
Darshan Tank

I am a 5th-year undergraduate at IITB. I started coding from my first year. Since then, I have found immense love doing it and also excelled at it at various times. I got advanced performer grade in our coding course which is awarded to only top few students of the batch. I have worked at Tech Lead of Mood Indigo, IITB's annual cultural festival which is also Asia's largest. I oversaw a creation of all the websites and apps of the fest. I also did my internship at Hotstar which gave me further insights into the professional coding world. I have also completed Google Summer of Code. The thing I like about hackathons is that they really test you and bring out the best in you in the given small span of time. I have had a good hackathon experience in the past. I have received special mention at a Lenovo gaming hackathon and have been runner-up at Microsoft codefundo campus challenge and 21st-century fox global challenge hackathon. All these experiences made me learn that coding is just not related to typing out those lines on your screen. It's way beyond that. It's about how you work in a team, how you find the demands and carve out an efficient plan out of it.



A complete Educational Package to make textual learning interesting and easy.Bootstrap, Django, moviepy

Code Piece

Changing the world of gaming, one piece at a timeCSS, JS, Android Studio, HTML5

Trade Wars

Your traditional trading card games now with secuirty, privacy and customizability.Pygame


MEAN stack


  • The Terasology Foundation - Google Summer of Code Student
    May 2019 - July 2019
  • Hotstar - Software developer intern
    June 2018 - July 2018