Created on 14th June 2022
Initially, during the hackathon, our team had the vision to solve a very generous problem in real life which impact a large number of people after brainstorming upon the various idea we fixed to build TICKDOCK
Blockchain Development is a new technology area for me and my teammate. And hence, it was very difficult to wrap our heads around Web3 at first. But continuous effort to bring this project live made us even more prepared for Web3.0.
We were having difficulty at first writing smart contracts which was then solved by Remix IDE.
We planned to use Alchemy API but it had some issues and were not able to integrate it to fetch NFTs. Instead, We are not fetching any API NFTs that will be minted from our platform only.
We were also debating whether to design a nice frontend from scratch or utilise a templating engine. Furthermore, we have encountered several issues in managing the state in our application frontend.