
Aviral Gupta

I recently started coding. I am a second-year undergraduate student. I love the web3 community. I participated in hackathons conducted by EthGlobal. I love the whole concept of hackathons as they help us in learning new technologies.



TickDock is your one-stop solution for organizing events/conferences and issuing tickets as NFTsSolidity, IPFS, React.js, Polygon, Filecoin

Builders On Bockchain (BOBDAO)

Learn. Develop. Earn. We are a community built and driven by students. We are creating a learner's ecosystem that gamifies the platform with proof of knowledge NFT.Solidity, IPFS, React, Matic, Hardhat, Unstoppable Domains, Covalent, Spheron

Mix-n-Match (prev. Meet3Club)

Meet3Club is a video/voice chat platform that connects people randomly and is made using Huddle01​​.reactjs, TailWindCSS, , chakraui, Huddle sdk, Rainbow SDK

Plants And Pillars

A Game that lets you own a virtual forest that is actually planted and maintained by people in different parts of the world.Solidity, Next.js, GraphQL, The Graph

Split IT

Split transactions on-chain while going on a trip with escrow account facilitySolidity, next, tailwind

Raise - Support Open Source Projects in Flow

Raise is a platform to Support Public Goods and Open Source Projects in the Flow EcosystemTailwind CSS, Next JS, Candence


Revolutionize Payments with Privacy-First Blockchain Streaming – Pay and Earn in Real-Time, Securely and Privatelytailwind, Vite, Leo

Fast Aid

Instantly alerts nearby people when it detects an accidentSolidity, IPFS, Next.js, Python, YOLOv7-POSE

Plants And Pillars

Plants and Pillars is a decentralized organization that aims to encourage people to plant more trees and make Earth a better place to live in.Solidity, IPFS, React, Chainlink, Polygon, NFTPort

