Swasthya Setu

A decentralised app which maintains the medical record system resolves the substantial task of drug traceability which helps to deal with pandemic like covid19.

Created on 21st June 2020


Swasthya Setu

A decentralised app which maintains the medical record system resolves the substantial task of drug traceability which helps to deal with pandemic like covid19.

The problem Swasthya Setu solves

The global pandemic COVID-19 continues to make headlines. The lockdown has hit all he sectors and domains of the society,say, Educational, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism, Agricultural etc.One of the gravely hit sector is HEALTHCARE.
A decentralized app, which obsetensibly solves the issues encountered by the healthcare providers.
The healthcare system is a combination of flurry of actors playing their respective roles(Doctors, Hospitals and Patients).
Complications such as maintaining the medical record system for the patients is a substantial task.
In the kind of extraordinary times, it is critical and crucial that the patients can access their medical information quickly and share it with the lifesaviours .
Smart Contract rightfully revolves around creating, retrieving, updating and deleting medical records.
Pandemics like this demands for efficiency, transparency, flexibility and information exchange among the patients and the medical profession that.
Our model apparently manoeuvres around DRUG TRACABILITY. Nearly 20-30% of the medicines which comes from the factory to the pharmacy shops or medical hospitals are counterfeit.
We have a Smart Contract based on ETHEREUM which has the time-stamp time stamp ensures Flexibility and delivey on time.
Ultimately , we have deployed our Smart Contract on the MATIC network which improves the efficiency.
Finally it will ensure and enable users to give conditional access to different healthcare providers such as Doctors, hospital's and patients.
Each interactions with their transaction is auditable, secure and is recorded.
Users will be able to sign in this app and use the services which are powered by their health data and secured by Smart Contract.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Getting proper accuracy was another rugged work which took never-ending time to complete.
  2. Coding the smart contract with solidity for the supply chain was a brainstorming task as there were some more 1200 files generated due to js and bootstrap together.
    3)Deploying into matic network was another resilient task as it took lot of time to correct and link different files together.


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