A tech philomath who always fascinated by the versatile technological stack and programming.
Deep drivenly interested in working with real time end to end products on WebDev ,AI ML and DL.
Always keen to participate in HACkATHONS which essentially ensures creating products, code and commit issues and eventually deploying the product in the real world.
Always optimistic in a bid to upgrade and improve the standard of the industry and make things productively, creatively and constructively.
Swasthya Setu
A decentralised app which maintains the medical record system resolves the substantial task of drug traceability which helps to deal with pandemic like covid19.Solidity, MetaMask, HTML5, CSS3, Matic, EthereumAll-In-One Automation
ALL IN ONE AUTOMATION model apparently provides aid and assistance in combating, containing and preventing the spread of COVID-19. It eventually helps to restart economy.Solidity, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Matic, Ethereum, Truffle SuiteSWASTHYA CHUNAV
I recently came across this news that Election commission is apparently working with IIT MADRAS to conduct 2024 general election with Blockchain. I find it really captivating.
Expecting considerableJS, CSS3, HTML5Disease Detector
Disease detector helps in predicting the disease with priority given to utmost accuracy, ensuring anyone and everyone can use it , showcasing innovation, ensuring scalability and henceforth boostingDjango, Machine Learning, Python, CSS3, BootstrapZk Lancers
A decentralised and distributed Freelancing platform enabling zero-knowledge transparency and authentic business between clients and freelancers based on a reputation system.web3.js, React.js, IPFS / Filecoin, Push Protocol, worldcoinFinanzi
In-depth analyzer of your data for the benefit of Customer as well as the bankMachine Learning, KNN, reactjs, Streamlit, Data VizualizationGHOST SPEAK
"GhostSpeak: Unleash the Unheard – Whistleblow Anonymously, Fearlessly."Solidity, ethers.js, Ethereum, Remix (IDE), Svelte, Arbitrum, SvelteKit, ScrollSkills
Machine Learning
Competitive Programming