Created on 27th October 2019
The problem currently Blockchain Gaming ecosystem faces is, that their users have to pay Gas Fee inorder to play the Game. We have Integreted Metatransactions with WalletConnect on Matic chain. The game developers will pay gasFee for the Users. As it is bult on Matiic, The Transactions are much faster.
The user dont have to know about crypto as we have integreted it using walletConnect protol. The users just have to scan the QR code for the first time.
The game is included with MarketPlace where players can exchange NFT within the game, without worrying about spending Gas.
Things included are,
Our overall aim is to build a Matic-MetaTransactions Sdk .
Relayer - will do the Transactions on behalf of the users.
SmartContract wallet
UserManager Contract
Marketplace Contract
On getting sign request, the app crashes. We tried it on Android 9.
Technologies used