Stallion Stake

Stallion Stake

Fantasy Sports and betting On Chain

The problem Stallion Stake solves

Stallion Stake provides users with the chance to play fantasy sports with crypto. Our initial MVP allows users to:

Create an NBA fantasy competition
Pick their players
Sign-on with their wallet or email via Dynamic,
Recieve an NFT of representing their participation in the game
Benefit from yield generated from Yearn Vaults
Participate in two game types, a winner takes all vs. a no-loss game
Track scores with Chainlink functions and external adaptor
Cash out

Challenges we ran into

Our team's biggest challenges included:

Configuring the connect your wallet and Dynamic solution to allow for a more seamless experience. To get through this, we worked with mentors and the Dynamic team to configure this work flow.
Establishing the external adapter to support the Chainlink oracle and API. We worked with the Chainlink and mentors to support this functionality
Postioning and differientint this project from mainstream competition.

Tracks Applied (4)

Defi, NFTs & Gaming

We're an onchain fantasy sport platform. Our project employs gaming, DeFi, and NFT solutions. Stallion Stake provides u...Read More

Connect the world with Chainlink

Stallion Stake uses Chainlink’s functions to bring off-chain fantasy sports data to determine game winners. We created ...Read More


Build a Consumer Product

Stallion Stake is Currently Deployed on Base Sepolia (Deployed Factory) Fantasy Sports competition is a $10B + Industry...Read More


Create a vault allowing you to deposit ERC-721 tokens that can be accepted as collateral in other Ethereum Vault Connector (EVC) compliant vaults

Create a vault allowing you to deposit ERC-721 tokens that can be accepted as collateral in other Ethereum Vault Connect...Read More


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
