Specific Object Detection App

When given different views of an object as input, it can tell us if that specific object is present in a larger picture or not.

The problem Specific Object Detection App solves

  1. There have been many instances where people's belongings have been lost in public places like airports or railway station.
    These bags which are not claimed by anyone will be put in a storage room where there will be much luggage.
    When an owner returns to claim his/her luggage, it will be a tedious process to check all the luggage. This software is used to check whether the owner's bag is present in the room or not.

  2. 2nd project which includes object detection & self learning model, which can be useful for continuous learning with self exploring, its using google's vision api and if some object is not present in db it will save all information as well as properties along with colour and save to nosql database, if already present show with matching content with respect to all parameters.

Technologies used
