
Vinay Varma Nadimpalli

A curiosity-driven Open Source enthusiast with the ability to quickly learn and master new technologies. I'm a positive minded individual with strong logical, analytical and interpersonal skills. I always had an appetency of building technology products which will be helpful to society. The recent AI revolution has been making life simpler by automating tasks where human presence is required. Thus, I'm aspiring to become an AI scientist and I look at this Hackathon opportunity as a great platform to gain experience in dealing with real-life problems.

My previous internship experience at a well-established company, Conscript HR, provided me with a platform to work on the intersection of software infrastructure and Machine Learning. The objective is to build an AI software which runs in a browser that can interview candidates and send an analysis of their performance to the company to which they have applied. Being responsible for the Machine Learning and Full Stack development for the app, I have gained experience in building agile and high-performance MVPs with a business perspective. My learning curve during this time was huge. I have also learned the best practices in the software development cycle.

Hackathons are a great way to bring out one's thoughts to reality and complete what it would take otherwise several days within a short time. Most importantly, I look forward to working collaboratively with all the great minds and the adept people who will be attending the event.


Specific Object Detection App

When given different views of an object as input, it can tell us if that specific object is present in a larger picture or not.Node.js, Android, AngularJS


Amazon Web Services
Data Science


  • Conscript HR Advisors - AI/ML Intern