Created on 16th May 2021
World׳s energy demand is growing fast because of population explosion and technological advancements. It is therefore important to choose reliable, cost-effective and everlasting renewable energy source for energy needs.
Solar Energy is the future. It is easily deployable without disturbing the infrastructure and without causing any harm to the environment. This is why we are creating which using Geospatial Analysis, helps local communities to move in the direction of a solar future. With the help of satellite imagery, our app gives the estimation of the rooftop area, the solar intensity value, the number of solar panels required to cover the rooftop, estimated costs of installation and the power generated in KWH yearly. It also gives you the location of nearby Solar panel shops and the varieties of panels available with respective brands and efficiency as a factor.
Problems we are aiming to solve :
We came across a news source from mdena which said that 15% of big solar projects' costs go into the area assessment and analysis. With the help of this app, this cost will become minimum or maybe, zero. We want to provide property owners, experts, the budget planners & infrastructure planners with the information or the estimation on how much profit solar cells can bring them. So that they can take correct decisive measures on implementing the same. It will increase the efficiency of the whole process.
It takes seconds just to open our app and check the solar potential of a certain place or a certain rooftop. So any individual also can roughly estimate the cost for all the installation, and also get the time frame within which the solar installation charges nullifies( since the maintenance of solar
Questions like Solar Power Plant or Wind Power Plant or combination of both in what proportion within a place, can be easily solved checking the efficiency of the solar panel through our layered map.
Converting OSM to GeoJSON for mapping. Finding a Front end interface to lay over the geoJSON.