
Saniya Pandita

I am Saniya Pandita and have completed 12th grade of senior school with 93 % above and have gained admission into Integrated M.Tech dual program in computer science with specialization in Data science thru merit in VIT(NIRF Rank=12) in India and currently in 1st Semester. I have strong passion towards computer coding and was clearly aligned towards same since my childhood days due to which I was selected to Japan Robotics program in Japan from my school Bishop Cotton Girls School . I would love to be part of this and complete same with great enthusiasm and apply same wherever I take up to work and this course will help me to gain knowledge while studying.
I have completed core Java course and also well verse in C++ coding with knowledge in SQL . Currently I am doing Python as apart of curriculum . Since I am from science PCMC background , I have studied senior secondary level Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics(Calculus is part of maths portion).


The New Civilisation

Move Mankind Towards Sustainability with Carbon CreditsReact, Reactstrap, Python, Express.js, MongoDB, ANN, Nodejs, ChartJs - The Solar Map Project

Your rooftop can help the environment...Flask, OpenCV, Google Cloud Vision API, Pylab, SKLearn-Images, Neural Nets on Radiation, Google Maps Static API and, Open Street Maps API


Natural Language Processing
Data Visualisation