Siya's Quantum Oddessy

Game for learning Quantum Computing Basics


Siya's Quantum Oddessy

Game for learning Quantum Computing Basics

The problem Siya's Quantum Oddessy solves

This game solves the problem of students who want to explore the field of quantum computing but find it difficult and scary to learn it from documentation and lectures from qiskit, pennylane, etc. The game is simple and relaxing so be it either a school student or university fresher, or anyone curious about this field can explore this hard but interesting field through the game.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we faced was integrating Alan AI with our game as we first got to know about this technology during the opening ceremony of the Electrothon 4.0. This is the reason we can't add the desired effect of Alan AI into our game. Also, the time limit was a huge challenge for us due to which we only built a small prototype of our game.
