Created on 22nd November 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a number of consequences--one of which is the population's mental health. Many are experiencing poor mental health for the first time while others have lost access to some of the resources they used to manage their mental health. Namely, a plethora of individuals struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental illnesses have lost access to their regular appointments with their therapists or psychiatrists.
Unfortunately, online video appointments are not feasible for individuals with limited or poor internet access. Without analyzing the body language of their patients, therapists will not be able to accurately glean their patients' health. Our remote mental health monitoring tool aims to solve this issue.
Our web application aims to analyze the user's mental health using a common therapy technique--journaling. The user will submit diary entries into our application. In the therapist-patient scenario, they will be required to keep their camera on.
We had all our deep learning models ready by the first day, but integrating them with flask properly was tedious and exhausting.
Since none of us are web developers and we had to create both the frontend and the backend with no prior experience.