
Harsh Sharma

Like to develop code ...and believe in teamwork


Knewton Ed

communication between teacher and students, Teacher can download the uploaded pdf, verify various pdfs if it is copied using ml model or get summary, student can predict career using ml and dropoutscikit-learn, OpenCV, MongoDB, Nodejs, reactjs, nltk, Natural Language Processing, CountVectoriser


Smart AI-Digital Based Solutions for Education MonitoringReact, Node.js, Flask, scikit-learn, Natural language processing (NLP), XGBoost, Express.js, MongoDB, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), HTML/CSS

Emergency Ally

Bridging emergency response messages to response departmentsGo, Flask, Deep Learning, Python, Natural Language Processing, Jinja2


Remote Mental Health Monitoring SystemCSS, Flask, OpenCV, Deep Learning, spaCy, HTML5, Natural language processing (NLP), Computer Vision, MongoDB Atlas, BERT


Connecting Rural People with The Emerging TechnologiesTensorFlow, scikit-learn, MongoDB, Webscraping, FastAPI, LSTM-Keras, reactjs, material ui, ChartJs


Learn Today, Invest Tomorrow! || Our Product Aims To Educate People For Investing In Stock Market with help of an AI Trading Bot, which generates predictions of specific stock markets.Node.js, Flask, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, LSTM-Keras, reactjs, NLP


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Data Visualization
Big Data
Data Analytics