

Transforming Construction Documentation: Effortless Organization, Seamless Collaboration, and Intelligent Retrieval with our AI-Powered Document Management Solution.

The problem Sequus.AI solves

This comprehensive solution tackles the prevalent challenges in construction document management by addressing issues such as disorganized files, time-consuming searches, limited collaboration, and error-prone manual processes. Through an automated classification and organization system, it streamlines document retrieval and enhances overall efficiency. The inclusion of a user-friendly interface for manual verification, coupled with sophisticated data extraction techniques, ensures accurate and standardized information. The system establishes a consistent file management system, simplifying navigation with a specific naming convention. Additionally, the solution caters to the complexity of extracting information from construction plans and other documents, promoting a streamlined and error-free process. By introducing a virtual assistant for user queries, it enhances user interaction and overall usability, making it a transformative solution for construction document management.

Challenges we ran into

Our project encountered several significant challenges, with one major hurdle being the extraction and comprehension of a vast amount of data. Downloading and comprehending the dataset proved time-consuming, leading us to explore various methods for information extraction from PDFs using tools like Pytesseract and PyPDF. Unfortunately, none of these methods yielded satisfactory results. While searching for pre-trained models, we found none suitable for our needs, and the prospect of training a custom model within a tight timeframe seemed daunting. Despite facing obstacles in debugging file types and prompt engineering, our team, driven by experience and passion, persevered and successfully mitigated most of the challenges encountered during the project.
