I am a highly motivated and dedicated AI Machine Learning Student with a passion for utilizing data and algorithms to solve real-world problems. My curiosity drives me to continuously learn and improve my skills in this rapidly evolving field.I am a hard worker who consistently strives to deliver high-quality results and exceed expectations.
"The Perfect Fit: Innovative Resume Analysis for Companies and Job Seekers"Bootstrap, CSS, Python, Node js, React js, Express js, HTML5, mongo dbKidSecure
"Empowering parents to protect their children online."React, JavaScript, Flask, Android Studio, Python, AWSMindCraft
Crafting Intelligent MindsFlask, SQLAlchemy, TypeScript, OpenAi, AI/ML, React.js, Chakra-UI, Generative AISequus.AI
Transforming Construction Documentation: Effortless Organization, Seamless Collaboration, and Intelligent Retrieval with our AI-Powered Document Management Solution.React, Flask, OpenCV, TypeScript, OpenAi, langchain, Google-GeminiAura
Personalized AI Powered Voice AssistantFlask, OpenAi, nextjs, langchain, crewaiMindCraft
Revolutionalizing Education using GenAIFlask, scikit-learn, SQLite, Speech Recognition, Google Translate API, React.js, Chakra UI, langchain, Large Language Models, TavilyMindCraft
Revolutionalizing Education using GenAIFlask, scikit-learn, SQLite, Google Translate API, React.js, langchain, Google Gemini, Google Serp API, Tavily, ScrapflySkills
Deep Learning
Generative AI