

Healing Touch

The problem Sarthi solves

Amid Wars, Political tussles war, the influence of Nonstate Actors, etc., Refugees are the one who suffers the most. They need help with proper Healthcare and consultations with Doctors due to the lack of Doctors on the ground. Our Doctors online will ease the workload of doctors on the ground so that they can focus on severe cases on priorities. Our On-Site team, consisting of volunteers, would also be available during disasters in Refugee Camps. These teams would be beneficial when refugees don't have access to the Internet/devices. Sarthi accomplishes three SDG goals: SDG Goal 3 (Good Health and Well Being), SDG Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger).

Challenges we ran into

There were multiple challenges in front of us, including :
-Live Video chat and deploying it
-Automating the authentication process via the UNHRC refugee card
-Ideating the loopholes
-Problem of internet across the war-hit zones
-Payment Gateway for donations
