I am Harsiddak, a full-stack web developer, currently studying Computer Science at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.
BEML Connect
A Quick and Secure way to transfer machine vitals to a secure cloud database.Node.js, JavaScript, Express.js, React Native, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, CryptoJS, HTML/CSS, React.js, Electron JSDebug
Confused about where to start coding from? Don't worry UVHA is here to help you!HTML, CSS, JavaScriptDigiFarm
Wheat disease detection telegram bot.PyTorch, NumPy, Google Colab, ResNet50, python-telegram-bot, Open CVREHMAT: REfugee Healthcare MAnagemenT
Rehmat: The healing Touch
Connects refugees and doctors, and enables refugees to get online health consultations free of cost.Django, JavaScript, OpenCV, Python, Figma, pyTesseract, HTML/CSS, React.js, Django rest frameworkSarthi
Healing TouchJavaScript, OpenCV, Figma, pyTesseract, HTML/CSS, React.js, Django rest frameworkSkills
UI/UX Designing
Html Css Javascript Bootstrap