

SafeX is your perfect Gnosis safe for storing your salary in form of a tradable cashflow Nft



SafeX is your perfect Gnosis safe for storing your salary in form of a tradable cashflow Nft

The problem SafeX solves

Recently we encountered a problem that if by mistake your private keys get leaked then the attacker can get access to all your funds and if you have a salary stream on that account then it can be changed to a different receiver too.

Solution :

  • A Employer can create a money stream from our App and can also delete the money streams.
  • A salaried person(like me) can set up a Gnosis safe with two or three wallets for them to confirm a particular transaction to take place. Eg: Transfering cashflow nft to another address will require two wallets to accept the transaction instead of one.
  • Send the Gnosis safe address to it's employer to receive the cashflow Nft/Salary.
  • user will keep receiving money stream in its safe account.
  • If the salaried person wants some urgent payout, then he can sell the cashflow Nft on our platform for instant cash.
  • He will register a salary bond which will have all the specific details about the salary like
  1. Salary Amount
  2. Duration of money stream
  3. Price of the cashflow Nft
  4. His wallet address
  • After setting the above,a person who wants to buy that salary bond will come and see all this info on the "Buy cashflow Nft page"
  • If he wants to buy a cashflow Nft,he can click on Buy button and a Metamask transaction will pop up to send x amount of money to the owner of the cashflow Nft(the price of the cashflow Nft is set by the seller).
  • After a successful transaction ,the salaried person will come to the safe .
  • He/She will initiate a transaction to transfer the ownership of the cashflow Nft to the new buyer.
  • After a threshold of accepted votes on that action ,the cashflow Nft will be transfered to a new owner .
  • The New owner will receive the x amount money stream for y duration .

Challenges I ran into

We thought to do all this on Gnosis testnet(Chaido) but then go to know that that chain is not supported for superfluid money streams .
