
Shubham Patel

Heya, I'm Shubham Patel from Ahmedabad. I work at Push Protocol as Integration Engineer and am also a EthIndia Fellow. I am the winner of Hack Apac,Hack the space and some more, Fossasia speaker and an active Open Source contributor who like to spend time learning something new on weekends and participating in Hackathons. I believe my problem-solving skills and out of the box thinking will help me solve real-world problems and bring some value to society.

My Tech Stacks :
Connect with me :
Portfolio : https://heyshubh.vercel.app/
Github: https://github.com/aeyshubh
Twitter: hhttps://twitter.com/aeyshubh ( More active here)
Instagram: aeyshubh
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubham-patel-88978217b/
I hope I will learn something new from this community and help others in the same way.
Peace !


Health -o- meter

My program calculates the Body mass index and provides the output accordingly that the user is normal,overweight or obese,etc.Python


Heartify is your own personal heart Assistant. Heartify uses Machine Learning to analyze and predict whether you have heart disease or not.Django, Machine Learning, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, Python3.9

Day Maker

A website that will give you inspiration through quotes and will give you a good start for a positive day with great UI/UXjQuery, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3​, HTML5​


A Goto solution for securing and authorizing your documents ,espically made for students and working professionals.React, TypeScript, CSS3​, Bootstrap​

Uniswap Explorer using the graph

A project build on "The graph" and "Uniswap subgraph v2" which shows you data of Dai token .Solidity, The Graph, Uniswap

Voice Based Pacman Game

Pacman game specially designed for People with Disabilities which takes instructions from Voice commands.JavaScript, Alan AI, CSS3​, HTML5​


Create . Collect. SellNode.js, JavaScript, WalletConnect, Tezos, SmartPy, Smart Contracts, React.js, CSS3​, HTML5​, Responsive app


A Fund Raising application to support Aspiring Organizations build on Ethereum BlockchainSolidity, PHP, Node.js, Ethereum TestRPC, MySQL, Ethereum, web3.js, CSS3​, HTML5​


Pay crypto using Phone numbers build on Polygon Network and supported with Metamask Wallet.Django, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, Web3js, Polygon

The Green Inc DAO

A Blockchain based funding and Voting Appliccation on Ethereum ,Polygon and IPFS.Solidity, IPFS, JavaScript, Ethereum, HTML/CSS, Polygon


Twitch of Web3 but more better and DecentralizedSolidity, React, Tailwind CSS, Livepeer, Nodejs, Superfluid, Covalent, ENS


A lottery platform on Ethereum with No Loss and Only WsSolidity, React, JavaScript, AAVE


Using superlearn,we help you to create a daily learning habit and to value both your money and time,”Time is money”Solidity, React, Livepeer, Node js, Superfluid, push notifications


Decentralized spotify using filecoin storage and Artist NftsWeb3Storage, fvm, web3ui


An All in one tool for Creating DAO, managing Proposals, vote and Execute proposals with ERC-20 Tokens ,all on Gnosis testnetSolidity, React, Gnosis Chain


My program calculates the Body mass index and provides the output accordingly that the user is normal,overweight or obese,etc.Python

PeerStreams-v2(Superfluid x Push)

Donate to your favourite streamers with superfluid money stream and be a part of Streamer's Push Channel to be a Giveaway winner of tokens and receive Imp notifications about streams in Push channel.Solidity, React, Node.js, Superfluid, push notifications


SafeX is your perfect Gnosis safe for storing your salary in form of a tradable cashflow NftSolidity, React, remix, Gnosis Safe


A web app for easy Salary streaming and NotificationsSolidity, React, remix, Superfluid, Mailchain


Html Css Javascript Bootstrap