Your perfect partner!

The problem SAATHI solves

Our team has recognized that older generations often lack knowledge of resources that could improve their quality of life, leaving them vulnerable to financial, emotional, and physical challenges without proven solutions. In some cases, they may not receive support from their families, hindering their ability to pursue lifelong dreams. We strongly believe that age should not be a barrier to pursuing one's passions and living life to the fullest.

To address these issues, we have developed "SAATHI," an all-in-one app that meets the various needs of the elderly. This platform not only promotes good health and well-being by monitoring and providing assistance as needed, but also offers community resources and connections that promote sustainable economic growth and productivity. Our project aligns with Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 8, as we strive to improve health and well-being, promote economic growth, and support productive employment for all ages.

Challenges we ran into

The process of developing unique and innovative features is not always straightforward. It requires extensive research and can be time-consuming. Our team encountered several obstacles, including differing opinions and conflicts, as we worked to create an app that was not already available in the market. One of the biggest challenges we faced was accurately conveying our ideas through wireframes, ensuring that they accurately reflected our vision.

Tracks Applied (1)

Design & Solve

Our project, Saathi, is well-aligned with the Design and Solve track because it is focused on promoting sustainability a...Read More

Technologies used
