I am a third year BTech Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence engineering student at IGDTUW. I have always been a passionate, career-driven person. I love setting up goals for myself and achieving them from time to time.
Apart from technology, the other thing that makes me happy is writing. I love to write and believe that it is one of the purest forms of expression.
Food is not only a necessity but also a privilege, and we, through our website intend to share this privilege with all. Hence, we are "FEEDING THE NEEDY".HTML/CSSSaathi
Not only people need a houseHTML, CSS, JavaScript, phantom.jsGrab A Bite!
When hunger calls, grab a bite with us!React, JavaScript, Dialogflow, JSON, Nodejs, html/Saathi
Your Perfect Partner!Figma, CanvaHealthify Moms
You are not alone and you need not suffer alone!PHP, React, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, JSON, CSS3, Ml, Nodejs, HTML5SAATHI
Your perfect partner!Figma, CanvaBite By Byte
Empowering wellness, one bite at a timeHTML, React, CSS, JavaScript, Android, Figma, GitHub, CanvaBiteByByte
Empowering wellness, one byte at a timeJavaScript, TensorFlow, Git, Python, Figma, Nodejs, reactjsBiteByByte
Empowering wellness, one bite at a timeJavaScript, TensorFlow, Git, Python, Figma, HTML/CSS, Nodejs, reactjsBite By Byte
Empowering wellness, one bite at a timeHTML, React, CSS, JavaScript, Android, Figma, GitHub, Canva, BiteByByte
Empowering wellness, one bite at a timeJavaScript, TensorFlow, Git, Python, Figma, HTML/CSS, Nodejs, reactjsSkills
Microsoft Office