

Not only people need a house

The problem Saathi solves

The pets become a mandatory part of our lives and we then realise that they don’t deserve to be alone.Winters bring us a horrific scene where dogs and other animals are seen lying down on the streets in the open.They go through injuries and poor environment putting their health at stake and showing them a life they don’t deserve to see.Puppies are sold at high prices and it is becomes unfair for the other breeds to be called as mere stray dogs.We all are pet lovers and ,thus, we had given it our cent percent to show what we think and want them to be.”Saathi hai sath toh struggle ki kya baat.”

Challenges we ran into

Making this project was a challenging task in a small amount of time, we faced many difficulties along the way. while some errors were minor the major challenge for us was to integrate the Solana wallet into our code. we tried our best to learn and integrate web 3 into our project and would work more on it for future.
