

Your Perfect Partner!

The problem Saathi solves

We believe that older generations are unaware in terms of resources that may make their life simpler, more resourceful, and more involved in everything new that is occurring. They are typically victims of neglect and battle with financial, emotional, and physical challenges for which no proven remedies exist. There are instances when they do not have financial assistance from their family and are eager for it in order to pursue dreams that they were unable to accomplish when they were younger. We think that because there is no fixed age to start doing what you love, older people should have the same opportunities as everyone to live their lives to the fullest and achieve anything they desire.
As a result, we came up with "SAATHI," a one-stop solution that addresses the majority of the needs of the elderly.

Challenges we ran into

Creating and ideating something out-of-the box doesn't come in easy. All the features that we have ideated took a deep thorough research thus consuming a lot of our time. There were difference in opinions and clashes. The major challenge was to ideate an app which is not already present in the market. The making of the wireframes to portray the idea exactly as what we had in mind was equally challenging.

Technologies used
