This is webpage knowing facility with a system of rating the webpage with public opinion

The problem solves

  1. Crowd Sourced Rating Mechanism: Useful in detecting less reliable websites.
  2. Quick Glance: Word cloud of most frequently occuring words will be generated. It will help user to know if the information on the webpage is relevant before going through the entire webpage.
  3. Summarizer: GPT3 powered summary generation.
  4. Context Query: User will be able to ask information related to content on the webpage and it will be answered by GPT3.
  5. Public Leaderboard: A public leaderboard is maintained, data on the leaderboard in crowdsourced. Everyone will able to access top rated websites.

Challenges we ran into

We didn't how to create a chrome extension, so we learnt that. Sending data from one javascript file to another was another big issue which was saloved using chrome local storage api. The problem of UI designing always stays which was solved with keeping the UI simple.
