

Join us in creating a greener tomorrow - one click at a time



Join us in creating a greener tomorrow - one click at a time

The problem RE-kart solves

The project aims to solve the problem of environmental degradation caused by the contemporary model of consumerism, which generates a massive amount of waste and requires the use of virgin raw materials to produce new goods. The platform provides users with a one-stop solution to learn, practice, and propagate the concept of the 5Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, and Refuse) to minimize waste and conserve resource.

Our platform provies platform for user to not only manage waste material by 5R principle,but aso provied them a real-time eco friendly product's e-commerce platform to replace the current use of hazardous products and go for the sustainable alternatives of those products. It also enables users to stay in touch with the latest news from the eco-enthusiast community and participate effectively in sustainable practices, using contemporary technologies such as blockchain for decentralized product purchasing.

Overall, the project aims to promote sustainable consumption and reduce the negative impact of consumerism on the environment.

Challenges we ran into

1.We had to perform a pin-point market research for the scalability of this idea,which led us to brainstorm over every aspect of our idea again and again.We used resources like youtube,UN Sustainable goal,government plans and to make our idea suitable for the real world.

2.We got issues of connecting our Machine learning model with Front end of our web due to high end libraries of Machine Learning.We overcome this issue by understanding about Flask server,WSGI server from official documentation and youtube and integrated our ML model with front end.

3.We got conflicts in versions of Node.js and Hard hat ,we resolved this issue by using platforms like stackoverflow,Node.js documentation.

4.We faced issues in the AWS deployment of our Model on EC-2 Instance, we resolve this issue mainly using Stackoverflow and youtube videos of Freecodecamp and AWS.

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The generation of excessive waste and the overuse of virgin raw materials in the producer-consumer cycle are major contr...Read More
