Hi, I'm Meghana a 2nd year student at IETDAVV, Indore. I'm good in problem solving using C++ and Python. Recently, I won a hackathon, we prepared a Web Scrapping tool using python. Apart, from this, I'm a front-end developer working on HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Empowering women to reach their full potential and feel confident in their abilitiesSolidity, Firebase, Next.js, Flask, TensorFlow, OpenCV, TypeScript, Hardhat, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, IPFS / FilecoinBloggerrr
Blogs app using Next and Sanity.Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Sanity.ioRE-kart
Join us in creating a greener tomorrow - one click at a timeSolidity, React, Node.js, Flask, TensorFlow, AWS, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Authentication, HardhatSkills
Web Scraping
Data Structures