

Proximity-based eXpeditious Identification

The problem ProXi solves

Faculty members can leverage the mobile app to simplify attendance tracking during sessions. By initiating the attendance session through the app, students connected to the same WiFi network will have the capability to submit their attendance effortlessly. The system incorporates a mechanism where, upon the faculty member's closure of the attendance session, further submissions from students are restricted.

Technology Integration

To achieve a robust attendance solution, the application seamlessly integrates mDNS (multicast DNS) for initial identification. Once identified through mDNS, the system switches to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) for a secure and reliable communication channel. This ensures accurate attendance marking and data transmission between the faculty member's device and the students' mobile applications.

Record-keeping and Accessibility

Attendance records are stored on the server and can be accessed by faculty members in Google Sheets format. This simplifies the process of tracking attendance over different sessions. The records can be conveniently downloaded from the server, allowing faculty members to maintain organized and easily retrievable attendance data.

Instant Notifications

The application includes a notification system designed to enhance the overall attendance experience:
Session Start Notification: Students receive notifications when an attendance session is initiated.
Marked Attendance Notification: Students are notified upon successful marking of their attendance, providing instant acknowledgment.
Countdown Notification: Students are alerted when only 30 seconds are remaining to mark their attendance.
Low Attendance Warning Notification: Students with an overall attendance below 75% receive notifications to encourage better attendance habits.

By incorporating these notifications, the application actively engages students and facilitates a more participative and accountable approach

Challenges we ran into

Network Verification Challenge

One of the central challenges in our WiFi attendance system was ensuring a reliable verification process for devices connected to the same network. To address this, we implemented a dual-layered solution involving mDNS (multicast DNS) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).

mDNS Implementation

Issue: Traditional methods were unreliable, especially with custom networks and varying IP ranges.
Solution: Implemented mDNS, a local broadcast protocol, to advertise our service within the local network. This enabled secure connections for both students and teachers.

TCP Implementation

Issue: Direct communication faced hurdles, especially with the manipulation susceptibility of MAC addresses.
Solution: Established a direct communication approach using TCP after successful mDNS identification. This ensured a secure and reliable connection between devices, overcoming the limitations of traditional identification methods.
By combining mDNS for initial identification and TCP for secure communication, we created a robust solution for confirming network alignment between devices, enhancing the reliability of our WiFi attendance system.

Attendance Records Management Challenge

Efficiently managing attendance records and enabling seamless data export to Excel sheets presented another significant challenge. To address this, we implemented a solution that leverages the Google Sheets platform through the Google Cloud API. This integration not only tackled immediate challenges but also provided users with a user-friendly interface for visualizing attendance data. Moreover, it allowed for effortless export to Excel sheets, meeting user expectations and offering a scalable and efficient approach to attendance record management. The decision to integrate with Google Sheets aligned with our goal of providing a robust and user-centric solution for attendance data handling.

Tracks Applied (1)


Our project fits into the software track by addressing the challenge of efficient classroom attendance management. Lever...Read More
