Blockchain based smart and secure evidence, data storage and management system for government bodies, victims of abuse, business firms and personal use.

The problem PROOF OF EVIDENCE solves

750,000 cases are closed every year due to loss of evidence in India.

Proper security and maintainence of evidence is extremely important in present times and when it comes to security of evidences what is better than blockchain. we have built a solution where any individual or a governing body like absolutely anyone can safely store their data safely using POE.

lets say you are a teen who has be extremely abused and beaten by your guardians so you can capture images and upload on POE FROM where you can share access of that images to anyone you want, also there is a facility where you can directly share access with 'bachpan bachao andolan' and they will recieve access to your evidence and they can contact you ahead and carry on further processes.

Also if you are a governing body like a police station you can use POE to store all evidences related to your cases so that they cannot be lost due to any reasons.

Also if you are a business firm you can use POE to store important doccuments and stuffs securely and permanently as once an image is uploaded to POE it can never be deleted or removed.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into two major challenges:

  1. Making the access sharing facility where you can give others access to your uploaded documents was quite difficult to integrate into the smart contract but with time we managed to do it

  2. Making the link between pinata and our smart contract for storing uploaded images to pinata and storing addresses of those images to our smart contract and displaying it on demand was quite problemetic for us to manage as it was our first time working with pinata
