I am Learner/Developer of WEB2.0 & 3.0 Technology. Currently, 3rd year student of Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU).
A decentralized app for raising funds for needy people.Web3, React.js, PolygonPROOF OF EVIDENCE
Blockchain based smart and secure evidence, data storage and management system for government bodies, victims of abuse, business firms and personal use.Bootstrap, MetaMask, JavaScript, ethers.js, Ethereum, pinata, React.js, PolygonVefiFIR
Empowering Citizens: A Tamper-Proof FIR System on the BlockchainSolidity, Node.js, Flask, MySQL, Tailwind CSS, Polygon Blockchain, IPFS / FilecoinPrivacyGuard
"PrivacyGuard: Your Shield in the Digital Realm, Ensuring Informed Consent and Maximum Privacy."HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, GitHub, MongoDB, LLM, Lama Index"GestureGram: Translating Silence into Speech"
"Empowering Mute Voices: Bridging Communication Barriers for an Inclusive World":
-> In a world where communication is essential, we empower mute individuals through our innovative web app.Flask, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Socket.IO, Google Translate API, Long short-term memory (LSTM), gTTS, React.js, MediapipeSkills
Web Application Development
Blockchain Development