PocketFund - A Decentralized Crowdfunding platform

PocketFund - A Decentralized Crowdfunding platform

PocketFund is a decentralized web3 platform making use of the verbwire API to provide an open platform for innovative organisations aimed at providing social good.

Created on 19th March 2023

PocketFund - A Decentralized Crowdfunding platform

PocketFund - A Decentralized Crowdfunding platform

PocketFund is a decentralized web3 platform making use of the verbwire API to provide an open platform for innovative organisations aimed at providing social good.

The problem PocketFund - A Decentralized Crowdfunding platform solves

Our platform enables small organisation to raise necessary funds via crowdfunding through ledger transactions.
Pocketfund is completely secure and provides decentralized finance user can use our platform securely as it is decentralized and it is a fast way to raise finance with no upfront fees.
Pitching an organisation through the online platform can be a valuable form for marketing and also get the feedback of the organisation. Our platform supports raising finances for social causes with no upfront fees and middlemen,
It employs a clean and modern UI features using modern web development tools.

Challenges we ran into

We were beginners to build blockchain based application but still we tried to give our best to build it. The major issue we faced to integrating Verbwire API with React. However we were able to create a fully fledged working DAAP by using some of our previous knowledge and referring the documentation.

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