PixelMint - Pixelated Identity On-Chain

Pixelmint is a tool allowing users to upload their photos and get a pixelated NFT which is stored on the polygon chain.

The problem PixelMint - Pixelated Identity On-Chain solves

Popular crypto projects use pixelated avatars. Pixelmint gives users complete control of what images they want to get as an NFT, and also allows them to control the volume of pixelation. Something which is missing in other projects.

Challenges I ran into

Technical Challenges

  1. Uploading the images and mounting them onto a canvas, then converting the canvas to pixelate the image was a bit tricky to figure out.

  2. The pixelated image was encoded as a base64 string which is compatible with the <img> tag, but on uploading to IPFS, it did not upload the image but the string representation of this image. Decoding it to an array buffer and then uploading to IPFS seemed to fix this issue.

  3. On refreshing the page, even though the wallet was connected it did not reflect in the UI due to limitations of the web3-react library. Fixed it by creating a custom wrapper around the main app that checks and auto-updates the state on every refresh/render
