
Shlok Mange

As an engineering student , my goal is to leverage the existing technologies and combine them in a way to find efficient and better solutions to solve problems.


Cryptex | Decentralizing Finance.

Building payment gateways for the future economies.React, Firebase, Matic, Tailwind CSS, Portis, Polygon


affordable living spaces on the blockchain.Matic, Tailwind CSS, Portis, React.js, Sila API


blockballot is a decentralized voting system that verifies the users identity through Sila API and allows them to cast the votes digitally without any logins thereby reducing voter frauds.React, Matic, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, Portis, Web3js, Sila API


inDebit is savings-game mobile wallet that rewards users when making an informed financial decision.(saving money, paying bills before time, keeping a certain portion of income aside to invest ).Firebase, Express.js, DynamoDB, Tailwind CSS, Plaid, postgresDB, reactjs

Ethereum Hack: Karbonize

Decentralized Personal Carbon Trading. This is an improved ideation of the model implemented by Lahti, Finland. It gives the users incentives to reduce their carbon footprint while earning money.React, Matic, Tailwind CSS, Polygon, Portis by Shapeshift


1-click crypto payment solutions for merchants to start accepting cryptocurrencies for their e-commerce store. Razorpay / Stripe for SMB's and MSME's.React, Matic, Tailwind CSS, Portis by Shapeshift, Covalent API

Ethereum Hack: Karbonize

Decentralized Personal Carbon Trading. This is an improved ideation of the model implemented by Lahti, Finland. It gives the users incentives to reduce their carbon footprint while earning money.React, Ionic, Matic, Tailwind CSS, Truffle Suite, Polygon, Portis by Shapeshift


NFT's are the frontrunners in the creator economy, poke-saga enables users to generate random rare pokemon which can be then traded on OpenSea.React, Matic, Portis, Skynet


NFT's are the frontrunners in the creator economy, poke-saga enables users to generate random rare pokemon which can be then traded on OpenSea.React, Matic, Tailwind CSS, Portis


End to End crypto-payment solutions for eCommerce stores.Firebase, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, React Router, React.js, Celo, Covalent


Razorpay for Crypto.Solidity, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, Portis, Polygon

Cryptify - Crypto Payments Done Right

Blockchain-based invoicing for B2B and B2C companies.PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Nodejs, React.js, Celo, Supabase, Magic


NFT's done right.React, Tailwind CSS, Solana


Passwordless Authentication for the future of web.Cryptography, React, Node.js, Next.js, ethers.js, Redis, CryptoJS, Chakra-UI

Cryptify Auth

Easiest way to integrate web3 wallets on your dapps.React, npm, Webpack, ethers.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Rollup, Parcel, Tsdx

PixelMint - Pixelated Identity On-Chain

Pixelmint is a tool allowing users to upload their photos and get a pixelated NFT which is stored on the polygon chain.Solidity, IPFS, OpenZeppelin, MetaMask, Next.js, Matic, Polygon, chakraui


Converting complex on-chain data to simple readable messages.IPFS, Next.js, ethers.js, Matic, Express.js, TypeScript, OpenAi, Ethereum, Celo, Supabase

Gateway - Connect your web2 apps to blockchain

Gateway allows developers to support blockchain integrations on their apps/websites without any knowledge requirement of web3.Next.js, npm, Infura, ethers.js, Web3, Ethereum, Chakra

Gateway - Connect your web2 apps to blockchain

Gateway allows developers to support blockchain integrations on their apps/websites without any knowledge requirement of web3.Next.js, npm, Infura, ethers.js, Web3, Blockchain, Chakra


add notifications and social feeds to your web3 app in <30sIPFS, Node.js, Next.js, ethers.js, Etherscan, WalletConnect, Filecoin, Chakra, Filebase


Custom block explorers for your DApps and WalletsReact, Node.js, Next.js, Chakra-UI, Covalent, IPFS / Filecoin, Bytekode

Intents - 0xRivendell

Fastest way to convert simple language to blockchain transactionsNode.js, Next.js, ethers.js, AWS RDS, AAVE, TypeScript, Uniswap, Telegram, Hardhat, 1inch

Stackoverflow on steroids. Eliminate your coding woes with a knowledge base and chatgpt.Node.js, Next.js, TypeScript, OpenAi, langchain, Pinecone, Gitbook


FlowAlerts: Stay in the Flow with Instant Notifications!Express.js, TypeScript, telegram-api, flow


Execute web3 transactions with a simple text command using intents.MetaMask, Next.js, Express.js, TypeScript, OpenAi, GPT


Execute blockchain transactions with simple english commandsSolidity, Next.js, ethers.js, AWS, Express.js, Redis, Ethereum, Vercel

Bridge AI

Intent based architecture to seamlessly bridge assets across chains in the fastest and cheapest way possible.Node.js, ethers.js, Express, Spheron, Router Protocol, Bytekode

Valmor Protocol

Building infra for the next-gen of defi automation agentsNode.js, Next.js, IPFS / Filecoin


Smart Contracts
Google Firebase